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Dental Implants

If You Are Anxious About Missing Teeth Space And You Want To Get Fixed Prosthesis Implant Is The Treatment Option.

We Shavi’s Dental care specialist in Dental implant for male , Female and Kids. Our Dental implants techniques are pain less technologies and take only 2-3 days to fix it.

What are dental implants?
Dental implant is an artificial tooth which is made up by screw type metal part of titanium and inserted in jaw bone. Researchers have proven that titanium metal is most friendly to human tissues. It doesn’t initiate foreign body reaction when placed this also allows it to fuse with the bone and create a strong and stable foundation for a replacement tooth.

When do I need implants?
Main indications for implants:
Missing teeth
Severely destroyed teeth
Loose dentures

Which patients are not fit for implant placement?
Patients undergoing chemotherapy
Uncontrolled systemic diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension.
Chain smoker/ tobacco users.
Immuno compromised patients such as AIDS
Medications such as bisphosphonates
Patient with severe gum diseases


AT SHAVI’S DENTAL CARE, We strive to provide you anxiety free surgical procedure of implant placement. We endeavor to provide you with best implant service at par with world class technology.

Procedure For Implants

  • When you will come to us we will try to understand your esthetic requirements, treatment option & strategy available for you.
  • We will take intra and extra oral photographs to access the situation.
  • Your smile line will be recorded.
  • Gum condition will be recorded.
  • C.B.C.T scan will be done to check quantity and quality of bone in surgical area.
  • If your meet all the requirements, your day of surgery will be planned.
  • On the day of surgery we will try to provide you anxiety free experience.
  • Long acting local anesthesia will be given to you to provide pain free procedure.
  • Regular x-rays will be taken to check implant placement.
  • After your implant is placed, we will take final x-ray.
  • Antibiotics and over the counter medications will be given to reduce post -operative pain& complications.
  • Free follow ups will be provided to you to keep a check on implant.

Advantages Of Implants Over Bridges

Implants adhere to your jaw bone making it single unit.
Totally bone friendly.
Success rate is 99%.

Types Of Implants Available


Post Surgery Instructions

For The First Day

Do not spit outside. Take saliva or whatever little blood is coming inside mouth. After an hour remove cotton and throw it outside. Don’t place any cotton again. Take medicines and ice cream now.
Do not place any hot pack outside the face.
Do not drink any liquid with straw.
Do not smoke for two three days. It will delay healing process and aggravate pain.


Avoid eating from surgical site directly. Take semisolid food for few days after surgery.
For first day eat ice cream or cold things. Avoid taking hot foods.


Bleeding is expected after surgery. You have to keep pressure pack for atleast 50 minutes after surgery.
Little oozing is expected post surgery. Keep pressure gauge if bleeding persists. If still it doesn’t stop, you call our office we will assist you.


Swelling is expected after wisdom tooth surgery. It will increase for first three days after which it will start to subside .It goes off in a week. Little bruising may be seen during this time.

Oral Hygeine Instructions

You can start brushing your teeth from second day. Start rinsing your mouth with a glass of warm water and 1 teaspoon of salt added to it. Start betadine rinses from second day.

Followup Visit

You should revisit us after a week for a follow up.