Tue-Sun 10:00AM - 2PM, 3:30PM - 8:30PM, Sunday - Open +918847333359

Root Canal Treatment

What is root canal treatment / R.C.T?
Every tooth consists of three layers

We require Root canal treatment when a tooth is infected and it reaches the third part of tooth [nerve portion of tooth].
Infection can be because of variety of reasons
1) Deep cavity reaching nerve
2) Large fillings approaching pulp
3) Micro/macro cracks in tooth
4) Gum disease indirectly reaching nerve

Why is it necessary to get root canal treatment done?
It is necessary to save a tooth with root canal treatment rather than getting it removed.
There are millions of microorganisms involved in the infection. The bacteria present in the infectious process have already formed colonies before you experience symptoms of pain / discomfort.
If left untreated their count keeps on increasing in number and ultimately you can end up loosing your tooth.

Does R.C.T pains?

  • Over the years we have mastered the art of painless root canal treatment. You will be very comfortable throughout the procedure.
  • On the very first visit, your dentist will take an Xray to access the level of infection.
  • Your dentist will give you local anesthesia to numb the infected tooth.
  • Then the dentist will drill a hole in the tooth in order to reach the infected nerve.
  • Later the endodontic files and disinfecting solutions will be put to use in the tooth to kill the disease causing microbes& infected nerve will be removed.
  • Finally gutta-percha, a biocompatible material will be used to fill the tooth.
  • Your tooth will be finally restored with permanent restoration & crown.

Precautions To Be Taken

  • Avoid biting your tongue, cheek or lips if you eat before numbness goes off.
  • We have placed temporary filling .It is given in between appointments. It will not protect your tooth permanently. Avoid eating from that tooth till it is permanently restored with crown on it.
  • If this temporary filling gets removed it is not an emergency; contact us it will be addressed in the next sitting.
  • You should brush your teeth as normal
  • Little to more pain may be felt after root canal treatment as the body is getting rid of infectious microbes and is undergoing healing process. Little jaw tenderness or stiffness may be felt due to opening mouth for long time during root canal therapy. Don’t worry this will subside on its own.


  • Don’t apply any hot pack from outside .It will result in swelling and pain.
  • Don’t wait for too long after your root canal treatment is completed, get it restored with crown immediately to avoid fracture of the treated tooth and ultimately loosing it.


When you require consultation for r.c.t?

If you are having trouble eating ice-creams or drinking hot tea or coffee you probably require dental consultation.
If you are experiencing very sudden sharp pain or pain that persists for longer duration / at night you should visit dentist.

Pain is occurring without food

If pain is travelling from teeth to throat you probably require root canal treatment