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Crowns And Bridges

With the increasing dental awareness everyone prefers to keep natural teeth as long as possible. Gone are the days when extraction was the only choice.

Crowns become the treatment options when:-

  • Tooth wear occurs and it is causing displeasing esthetics.
  • Many a times we see particularly in children their front teeth are broken into half as a result of injury while playing sports. Crowns become line of treatment to save them.
  • Extensive discolorations of teeth.
  • Large cavities in teeth can be easily restored with crowns.
  • Patient wants to change appearance of teeth by altering shape& size.

Our team has over the years mastered the art of mingling science & art to fabricate durable crowns with excellent fit& functional harmony with occlusion.

The crowns we fabricate are exactly life like, mimicking natural teeth shape, color and size and cost effective.

Various Type of Dental Crowns Available

Metal crowns

Porcelain Fused to Metal

Metal free crowns

Take home advice after crowns:


  • Do not open bottles with teeth.
  • Do not eat candies, marsh mellows / any other sticky foods.
  • Avoid hard foods e.g cracking nuts
  • Do not clench/ grind your teeth.


  • You can brush your teeth normally after crowns.
  • You have to make frequent dental visits.
  • Clenchers/ bruxers should use mouth guards to protect your teeth.


Does crowns hurt?

Not at all. Before undergoing this treatment dentist will administer local anesthesia so that you don’t feel any pain.

How long will it last?

It depends on variety of factors such as type of teeth, crown, occlusion, oral hygiene of patient.

Is it necessary to have crown after r.c.t?

Yes. Root canal procedure involves removing of tooth nerve by drilling the tooth. Strength of tooth is decreased after this and the tooth becomes brittle. So it becomes mandatory to fix crown after root canal therapy.

Myths About Crowns:

They look unnatural.
We fabricate crowns which totally match natural teeth in shape, size and color.

They last forever.
No doubt we offer very durable crowns but nothing lasts for lifetime. Everything has a life and many factors are involved in it.

They can stain
Dental crowns are resistant to stains.

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