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Teeth Whitening

Who Doesn’t Know The Benefits Of Confident Smile :

A powerful smile boosts our confidence. It is what grounds us, helps us convey our love and compassion for others.
We at Shavi’s Dental care are equipped to provide you brightening smile.
Teeth whitening and brightening toothpastes have mushroomed in the market these days. Following these advertisements can lead to serious complications such as teeth erosion, extreme sensitivity.
Individual teeth color varies from pearl white to yellowish brown.

When Do You Need Teeth Whitening:

  • Tea /coffee/wine stains
  • Tobacco stains
  • White spots on teeth

Causes Of Teeth Staining:

  • Overuse of tea, coffee/red wine
  • Smoking
  • Excess amount of fluoride in water
  • Defects during teeth calcification
  • Very large silver fillings.
  • Trauma to teeth
  • Aging
  • Jaundice during infancy

Procedure For Teeth Bleaching

Depending on the type and severity of teeth staining we will prescribe you either of these methods which best suits you.
At SHAVI’S DENTAL CARE we provide laser teeth whitening and different bleaching procedures all at POCKET FRIENDLY PRICES.
IN CLINIC BLEACHING will require 40-45 min sitting. It is a totally painless procedure. In this, bleach will act upon the stain causing agents and lighten the tooth color. We use hydrogen peroxide for this method at approximately (30-35% composition )

Home Bleaching

  • We will first note down the shade of your teeth.
  • Impressions of teeth will be recorded.
  • Custom fit trays will be fabricated for your teeth.
  • Pea sized bleach will be put in teeth slot
  • These trays are to be used mostly overnight or over a period of 8hours for 8 weeks.

FAQ About Bleaching:

Are there any side effects of bleaching?

You might feel little sensitivity for 2-3 days and may last for 1 week. This will be for temporary period and will be resolved on its own after 1 week. This will be for temporary period and will be resolved on its own after 1 week.

Foods To Avoid After Bleaching

Red and white wine
Extreme hot & cold foods
Soft drink
Dark fruits e.g raspberries, cranberries, cherries, pomegranate, black& blue berries

How Long Will It Last?

You need a follow up visit after 6 months.

Foods You Can Have

Cheese & yogurt
Fish& chicken
Fresh fruits like peas, banana, apple

Things To Avoid Permanently

Tobacco chewing
You should include regular dental checkups and teeth cleaning in your calendar for retaining your sparkling smile.